Program Inquiry

Program Inquiry

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Program Goals and Evaluation Questions

The purpose of this evaluation is to investigate whether the scope of the Bullying and Cyber-Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan encompasses all types of bullying that a student at St. Stephen’s Catholic Secondary School might face (using St. Stephen’s as an example of a secondary school within the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland, and Clarington Catholic District School Board).
Program Goals
The overall goals of this evaluation are twofold.
First: To evaluate PVNCCDSB Policy and disseminate information to schools/students in order to increase awareness of bullying and cyber - bullying of those in the LGTBQ Community. (short term goal).
Second: To ensure that the policy that has been set out has appropriate measures to decrease bullying and cyber-bullying in and out of secondary schools in the PVNCCDSB (long term affects).
Some Key Evaluation Questions:
- How does the document define bullying and cyber –bullying and is the definition inclusive of all students?- If the definition is not inclusive, what needs to be added to increase inclusivity?- What measures are there in the policy to prevent bullying and cyber-bullying and are those measures effective? If these measures are not sufficient, what could be done to the policy to help decrease instances of bullying and cyber bullying? 
Some Potential Further Questions:
What are some programs within schools in the PVNCCDSB that seek to deter bullying and cyber-bullying?- Why do students bully or cyber-bully?- Are policies and procedures adequately communicated to students, parents and the community?Are all stakeholders taken into account?

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